Keep your Mini-PCs in your Drawers or Get your NUCs Shot off! – Rack-able Drawer to Hold Ten Mini-PCs

Stay out of trouble with the sheriff using an innovative, rack-able drawer to hold ten mini-PCs

It was a warm summer day in 1868.  A tumbleweed rolled down Main Street as the distant mooing of the cattle interrupted the drone of Farmer Johnston’s Bitcoin miners.  A grizzly band of five IT outlaws strolled into town, each holding his two NUCs.  Suddenly, a warning shot rang out as Sheriff Layne sternly admonished them by saying,  

“You fellas best be keepin’ your mini-PCs in your drawers around here, or I’m gonna shoot your NUCs off!” 

The IT outlaws were no dummies, and, considering the consequences, quickly moseyed to Cube’s Blacksmith Shop to purchase the first version of a rack-able drawer to hold ten mini-PCs.  The IT gang instantly realized that by using this mini-PC drawer, they had their hands free, and the cords no longer tangled in their saddles.  They became such advocates on social media that they were recruited away to run a DaaS startup in St. Louis.  Meanwhile, Cube’s Blacksmith business grew to become what is now known as ClearCube Technologies.  

Now, that story may not be historically accurate, and you may not find trouble with the Sheriff these days by leaving your NUCs out in the open; nevertheless, there are good reasons to use server rack drawers to hold your server room PCs.  In 2022 most of us are careful to keep our servers and rack-mounted PCs away from dust, cattle, and outlaws, but doing so can cause over-crowding in server rooms.  This can be particularly true if you are in a fast-growing business or one that is utilizing bare metal servers or dedicated remote workstations.   

Let me introduce you to an innovative product that will ease IT administration while allowing your existing server room and racking to support business growth.  Think of that, your job gets easier, and you need less capital expense! 

The Client Drawer is the brainchild of the talented hardware experts at ClearCube Technology, and it’s a wanted product that pays a reward to IT teams who use it.  (Here it is, pictured front and back.) 

rack-able drawer to hold ten mini-PCs

What’s in the drawer? 

The Client Drawer is a standard-width 4U chassis that holds up to 10 mini-PCs (NUC computers).  Aside from the obvious benefit of efficiently storing 10 computers, the Client Drawer is engineered to provide ease of installation and superior serviceability, having the following features: 

  • Can be rack-mounted in any standard 19” server rack (but it doesn’t need to be rack-mounted) 
  • Comes with (2) 600W, redundant power supplies built in to provide failover protection 
  • Rear side has (2) HDMI, (2) USB-Type A, and (1) RJ-45 LAN connection per mini-PC compartment (X 10) 
  • Consolidates the power connections from all 10 computers into two power cords 
  • Allows IT administrators to manage each computer without having to remove it from the drawer and without disturbing the operation of the other units 
  • Active cooling with (4) fans 
  • 10 mounting dividers

This product is ideal for the following uses: 

  • Cluster & cloud server configurations 
  • Virtual machine  
  • Bare metal server 

Early adopters of this innovative product include: 

  • MSPs / DaaS providers 
  • Web hosting 
  • Retail 
  • Digital signage 

Visit our website and give our friendly team a call to discuss the Client Cube (or any of our other products). 

U.S.    512-652-3500 

Europe    +44 2032 903500 

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