Tips To Choose Best VDI Software Solution

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) technology creates a virtualized desktop environment on a remote server stored in a data center. The platform separates servers into multiple virtualized desktops, which users can remotely access from practically any device. A virtual environment is hosted on Virtual Machines (VMs), which one can customize and control through different management software systems. IT administration is centralized as all remote machines are hosted on a server. All administrators require is a simple host application for the creation of VMs.

VDI Benefits for Enterprises

The technology replaces conventional desktops with smart thin clients and zero clients that seamlessly manage and maintain the workspace. Centralized administration makes it easy to perform upgrades, installation tasks, and similar operations while limiting the role of dedicated IT departments. Virtualization promotes BYOD programs by introducing remote collaboration opportunities. Users can customize their desktops and the centralized data storage system regulates employee access to sensitive data. Virtualization saves time, energy, and effort which results in reduced operational costs.

The Importance of VDI Software

Its main function is to bridge the gap between the data center and end-users. There are several systems available in the market and choosing one to meet unique business needs takes time and careful planning. This is especially important considering that users connect to the server through a VDI system and the creation of VMs on the server also depends on dynamic software support.

Companies use VDI software to facilitate local and remote user access. IT personnel can create VMs to run several operating systems on one computer and introduce multiple layers of security within a network. Virtualization software intelligently uses existing IT resources without adding to expenses and almost instantly updates enterprise software tools. Other capabilities include allowing end-users to run multiple operating systems on the same machine while maintaining data security. 

A typical VDI software provides tools for the management, creation, and deployment of VMs. Network monitoring, memory allocation, and user environment management are also some other features you can expect to find in one.

Purchasing virtualization software is an important investment. Since a lot depends on one’s choice, it is necessary to pay close attention to the available features and benefits. Here are some tips to simplify the decision-making process. 

Go For Simplified Management

Choose a specific VDI software keeping in mind that the main purpose is to simplify the end-user experience. For a user, it is all about streamlining procedures, standardizing applications, and replacing conventional desktops with thin clients or zero clients. A good package effectively implements resource consolidation and provides IT managers full visibility into their technology stack. For example, they can examine how back-end systems work as a whole and understand individual components such as VM configuration within a hypervisor which connect together to drive operations.

Focus On A Growth-Centric Environment

A proactive virtual desktop environment integrates a growth-centric approach through dynamic scalability features. Opt for related software that resonates with your expansion plan by asking yourself certain questions. How will add extra users to impact your overall IT processes? Will the software be capable of handling future expansion efforts? Knowing the answers to these makes it easier for administrators to narrow down the choices that best suit their long-term needs. 

Prioritize Security

A major reason for transitioning from a desktop setup to virtualization is enhanced security. Powerful remote display protocols that deliver rich and secure features like clear color, dynamic encryption, redirection capabilities, bandwidth tuning, and many more should support Virtual Desktop Infrastructure software. Moreover, it is important to evaluate whether one’s existing security procedures like VPN, Anti-Virus, etc. would work well with a specific VDI software configuration. In any case, choosing between PCoIP, Blast Extreme, and Microsoft RDP protocols depends on the type of client device used.


VDI is an emerging technology adopted by many industries today and businesses need to familiarize themselves with the benefits it provides. All this begins with choosing good software technology that has the ability to easily integrate with existing business systems and is scalable to meet future IT needs. 

In case you have any questions or require further information, please get in touch with our team

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