Why ClearCube VDI for the Financial Industry?

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI

‘What is VDI?’

This is technology that enables access to a desktop OS inside a VM on a central server in a data center. As a complete IT solution, it offers everything you need to host and manage a standard desktop system in the datacenter.

Why ClearCube?

We all need virtualization solutions to streamline IT systems. Keeping this in view, finance is one important sector that can greatly benefit from VDI. It helps them address common pain points like data theft which are most likely to take place in decentralized setups

The reason is that IT resources and data are stored in multiple systems, away from a dedicated administrative center. Such a structure makes it difficult to monitor sources that may access sensitive information and records. This further adds to the risk for finance experts as their line of work involves liquid assets.

So, moving to desktop virtualization technology is the best option in the long run. This will create a centralized system which builds IT resilience and minimizes database security threats.

The question is: why work with us when there are many other options you can go for?

It’s simple. No use case is too big or too small for us. We are known for catering to all client needs through our customized hardware and infrastructure solutions. Let’s observe how.


The nature of work in finance calls for end-to-end data protection, enterprise IT security and compliance policies. Financial experts and advisors perform in stressful places like banks and trading floors. Hence, the information they manage on a daily basis is not only vital for record-keeping purposes. It is also the backbone for:

  • Delivering great products and services.
  • Developing a successful quantitative and qualitative analytics strategy.

Here is the challenge. Managing financial data in a standard desktop environment is risky. The reason is storing information in the hard drive allows unauthorized system access from internal and external sources. These may pose threats to data security and privacy in one of two ways. They can use mass storage devices for writing files to CDs or copy documents to USBs.  

This is where ClearCube CVDI comes in handy as it helps you adhere to your privacy policy. You can store all information on the corporate data center instead of an endpoint device. Also, you have greater control of how users secure their desktops. These benefit remote users especially if their devices are lost, misplaced or stolen. Valuable data always remains safe as it cannot be taken off the machines and users only need to replace the devices.

There’s more. Our Zero Clients come with advanced configuration options. These include policy-based device management which prevents malicious codes, viruses and bugs from reaching the corporate network.

Business Continuity

The finance sector usually engages in endless activities. So, it is important that users enjoy on-demand availability of programs and applications. These users cannot even afford minor disruptions because they are always on the go. This is all the more so, keeping in view the nature of their work. So, you need to stay proactive by planning ahead for IT disaster recovery and business continuity.

Start by carrying out risk assessment. You can use Sentral Software to promote holistic centralized resource management. This helps IT oversee all remote and local system resources. In this way, you can easily troubleshoot and resolve issues before they surface. Think about how different things would be if IT had to manage a distributed desktop computing setup.

Users in the financial sector often depend on one another to complete tasks that drive customer satisfaction. Sentral Console features such as active monitoring, blade switching and sparing boosts operations and greatly reduce downtime. IT can still remotely control hosts even in case of unexpected disasters. Also, staff can use any device to login from any place and initiate VDI sessions. This, in turn, improves productivity and profitability.

Use VMware Infrastructure to revamp your business continuity tools. For example, being hardware independent, VMware virtual machines can get the physical server to function as their recovery target. Create a test plan for disaster recovery with this VMware platform. It improves the measures taken to resume working without delay post-disaster. What’s more, you can avail this solution at a low cost.

Superior User Environment

Knowing how and where your finance agency stores customer databases is important for easing scalability and achieving high performance. Our Thin and Zero Clients leverage datasets and user configuration features by storing them on separate hardware. This eases information management and actively creates value from Big Data.

Our space-saving Zero Client solutions with minimal hardware components also free up space and reduce cord clutter. These deliver spotless environments through centralized assembly, fewer cables and noise free systems giving off low heat. They decrease clutter and distractions which could otherwise interrupt workflow processes. They also come with high resolution dual, triple and quad-display configurations to accommodate feature-rich workloads.

For example, the ClientCube KM is a complete PCoIP solution. This is useful in trading floors where you need solid situational awareness. It offers multiple domain support and allows IT to monitor every update in real-time. You can then gain actionable insights and make smart decisions based on these.

Also, Quad display features of Copper PCoIP Zero Clients and Fiber PCoIP devices drive optimal quality imaging performance in financial setups. All these help trading floor experts easily identify the tiniest details in videos and images. This can make or break success especially during crunch time.

Closing Thoughts

Our VDI solutions are designed with the best interests of the busy finance executive at heart. Please contact us for more details on how you can support your VDI project with our powerful and affordable resources. Feel free to avail your Free Demo unit and check out our endpoints in action.

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