With Dual 30” 2560 x 1600 Display Capability, ClearCube Targets CAD/GIS/ 3D Power Users with PCoIP Zero Client Engineering Workstations

AUSTIN, TX – March 11, 2013 — ClearCube Technology announced today a new enabling technology that allows 3D power users such as CAD/CAM/CAE designers, GIS analysts, and Modeling Simulation creators to remove all high powered computer resources from their work areas and move them to their datacenters.

“Information technology centralization initiatives by federal and commercial entities have very positive benefits such as power savings, better management, and higher levels of data security. Unfortunately, 3D power users were left out because they needed to do their GPU-rendering locally for performance reasons. That is no longer the case,” said Jim Zakzeski, ClearCube VP, Business Development and Marketing.

“We have numerous 3D power user customers at National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Sandia, Los Alamos, and Livermore National Laboratories, and hundreds of US military command centers that have been waiting for a technology breakthrough that will allow them to centralize all their processing resources in their secure datacenters, and now they can,” said Zakzeski.

ClearCube releases three PCoIP Zero Client Engineering Workstations this month. PCoIP Zero Client Engineering Workstations differ from traditional PCs in that the computer, memory, and storage are remotely located in a data center, while their corresponding dual/quad displays, keyboards and mice are located at the users’ desktops connected to zero clients.

Connecting the two Clearcube devices is a new PCoIP enabling technology that supports 2560 x 1600 resolutions on dual 30” displays at 60 frames per second, allowing CAD designers, simulation creators, and geospatial analysts to zoom, spin and animate 3D files without delays typically introduced by distance.

An additional cost benefit for CAD users is that expensive cabling such as fiber or Cat7 to support 10GbE at the end points is not needed. Because the GPU rendering is processed on ClearCube PCoIP Zero Client Engineering Workstations in the datacenter, large 3D file transfers to the desktop end points are eliminated. Existing Cat5 or Cat6 existing infrastructure does not have to be upgraded to implement ClearCube’s PCoIP engineering workstation solutions.

Three models are available that meet varying 3D consumer, 3D creator, and 3D senior designer CPU and GPU processing requirements.

A6106D Blade PCs are well-suited for 3D graphics consumers, with support for NVIDIA NVS 510 and Quadro 2000/4000 GPUs.

M1022W Xeon workstations support NVIDIA Quadro 6000 and K5000 GPUs for mid-range CAD, CAM, CAE developers.

M1024W adds dual Xeon support, optional fiber NIC or 10GbE adapters, SSD drives, and up to 256GB memory for high end senior designers needing Quadro 6000/K5000 GPU capabilities.

All three models have embedded PCoIP host compression adapters to transmit pixel changes and USB re-direction via IP.

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For more information, please contact: Clearcube Technology at www.clearcube.com

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