A Complete Blade PCs Benefits Guide


A Blade PC is everything one would look for in a standard desktop PC. The technology is contained in a secure server rack as a slim modular circuit card. It contains a hard drive, microprocessor, memory chips, network card, and a video card. An end user’s physical desktop has a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and a device similar to a router which connects back to a Blade PC via a network. The user simply needs to switch on the device to boot up and connect to the blade.

Heavyweight desktop PCs are almost a thing of the past because of compact and efficient Blade PC technology. Two common factors are the noise and heat generated by standard PCs. Imagine the hassle and discomfort if one has dozens of them on a trading floor. On the other hand, Blade PCs provide the same features, functions, and experience of regular PCs and you can even add screens to them. There are no theft or security risks in such an environment as data is stored on a server. Centralized management of all systems allows administrators to stay informed about IT infrastructure performance. This also makes it easier for them to take proactive measures to deal with any discrepancies or issues that may arise.


Blade PCs go back to the 90s when Austin-based company ClearCube introduced and popularized the concept in the US and vertical markets, including finance, healthcare, and national defense. The first machines were introduced in 2000 and now, we have taken them to the global market. 

Back then, Blade PC processors were intended for reduced power consumption and low heat generation purposes. Today, these machines come with multiple processors and powerful RAM to support tier 1 enterprise workloads and virtualization, hence keeping power consumption levels at a minimum. Before discussing what ClearCube Blade PCs have to offer in enterprise scenarios, we would like to cover the benefits they bring. 

Blade PCs Benefits

Making use of the latest technology is important for every business. In any case, it is vital to not compromise on either the quality of computing experience or user experience. The challenge arises when most users would not like to modify their experience- no matter how many advantages a specific platform offers. This is where PC Blades are different.

Blade PCs are known for being easily manageable, saving space, cutting maintenance costs, generating less heat, emitting less noise, and enhancing security. These elements have an edge over other technologies majorly due to the fact that they are as close as they get to desktop PCs. As a result, PC Blades are ideal for different industries with hundreds or thousands of desktop users who want to utilize a centralized solution. Let’s explore its advantages in detail.

End-To-End Security

Protecting data and eliminating the chances of unauthorized access are two important considerations in enterprises these days. When we talk about a Blade PC environment, information is saved in a data center. As a result, only authorized users can access certain data based on log-in and permission attributes. With a centralized control management system, overseeing the IT environment becomes a simplified process. Administrators can even implement different procedures to ensure that correct software versions are installed and utilized.

Work From Anywhere

PC Blades enhance overall workforce performance as they make it possible to work remotely from practically anywhere. IT departments can assign user access to a group of Blade PCs by simply reallocating resources in a matter of minutes. With PC Blades, there are no boundaries of connectivity anymore, anywhere. Consider a scenario where the moment when one stops working and their session is stored. They can easily continue from where they left off earlier. Data loss does not become a problem anymore because information can be retrieved almost instantaneously.

Easily Manageable Data Storage

Blade PCs are designed to accommodate data storage in various data centers to cut costs, reduce power consumption, and eliminate the need for more space. All these machines can be controlled through a centralized management system. They comply with server management tools to make it easier for IT teams to monitor and control each system.

Reduced Support Costs

With Blade PCs controlled through a centralized management system, administrators can streamline operational procedures to reduce support and maintenance expenses. No data is lost even if a PC fails and in such situations, IT can reassign a user to another system within seconds to ensure consistent productivity.

Use Cases

Various industries use PC Blades to achieve the scalability and productivity of a dedicated PC, along with the security, manageability, and affordability of server-based computing. We will cover two crucial sectors to help you further understand the role of this technology in taking IT infrastructure performance to the next level.


The defense industry consists of several PC Blade users who demand agility, security, and access to valuable data from multiple remote locations. It comes as no surprise that defense organizations are always looking for security solutions to support their operations. Blade PC machines are a great match because for one thing, there is no need to add extra-storage components physically. All data is stored on servers and administrators can increase the storage capacity of any machine when required.

Competitive management software allows administrators to track blade status, configure hot spares, and remote control user desktops so that time and mission-critical assignments are never compromised. For example, ClearCube Sentral software can be used to map connection routes from Thin Client and Zero Client endpoint devices through network switches to host Blade PCs. Administrators can also easily manage PC Blades through a unified console pane-of-glass view. Service restoration in crucial circumstances is quick and simple- administrators can automatically route an end user to a different secondary source if the primary source crashes. This high availability PC Blade failover is a valued feature in not only defense but also other enterprises. Military centers that regularly implement employee adds, moves and changes can further benefit from Sentral where PC Blades are concerned. Instead of moving IT equipment from place to place when teams change locations, users can broker their connection to designated Blade PCs from wherever the new workplaces are located. 

These are just some reasons why defense organizations invest in Blade PC technology to make the most of their operations.


The main goal of financial institutions is to yield huge returns in carrying out transactions. As a result, they also demand secure access to valuable data, especially quantitative reports. A common example is a bank managing important client account details which typically include highly sensitive cardholder data. There are stringent regulations around controlling access to, storing, and protecting information existing across such industries.

A PC Blade setting characterized by centralized network storage in the data center considerably minimizes computing risks generally found in standard desktop environments. Some common examples include physical theft, stolen or misplaced data, viruses, malware attacks, and software license non-compliance.

Centralized storage in a PC Blade environment maintains transparent privacy controls around customer and employee data. This greatly simplifies compliance with different regulations and offers greater disaster tolerance and business continuity prospects.


Every enterprise has unique requirements where team members perform their duties in varying conditions. Hence, there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, due to personalized IT recommendations are a must.

We hope that this PC Blade guide has been helpful and you know have a better idea of how they can truly benefit your enterprise. If you have any questions or need further information, please get in touch with the ClearCube support team today.

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