Cloud-Enabled Digital Transformation


In this digital age, customer experience (CX) largely determines the success of all business initiatives. Senior executives are bringing business and IT closer together to optimize systems, processes, and create new value for consumers in an increasingly data-oriented world. The reason for doing so is simple. Digitally inclined consumers, agile development, mobile computing, and similar technology trends instill a sense of urgency in enterprises to stay ahead of the competition. According to Forbes, a study by IDG reveals that 44% of organizations have already implemented a digital-first approach for CX. Research conducted by Smart Insights also shows that two/thirds of international CEOs will begin concentrating on digital strategies to enhance CX by the end of 2019. 

Where does cloud computing fit into all this? Quite simply, cloud-enabled digital transformation connects people, data, and processes to provide multiple benefits, including:

  • Practical innovations that boost operational efficiencies.
  • Disruptive business models and unique user experiences.
  • The ability to shift from intuitive to data-driven decision-making. 
  • The application of new technologies such as AI, IoT, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning to current IT architecture for improving business value.
  • More opportunities to collaborate and co-create with new business partners.
  • Flexible computing resources speed up Time to Market (TTM) and accelerate customer outreach. 

What Can We Make Of This? 

Clearly, the potential for business growth is huge in this context, and many forward-thinking organizations are leveraging cloud technologies to develop a culture of digital DNA. As per Business Wire, a new IDC spending guide expects companies to invest $1.18 trillion on technology and services enabling DX in 2019. This figure goes beyond indicating an increase of 17.9% over the previous year. Enterprises that have spent significantly on DX over the past couple of years are already seeing better net profits and faster revenue growth. This analysis was shared by Craig Simpson, Research Manager with IDC’s Customer Insights & Analysis group. In comparison, organizations not keeping pace with the same projects and investments find it difficult to reap these benefits, he added.

We can see that cloud computing is truly at the core of the DX revolution. This has a clear impact on the role of the modern IT department that must be able to develop, deploy, deliver, and scale rapidly. 

Now, let’s examine the role of cloud in digital transformation.

Facilitates Faster Prototyping 

Ask yourself if an enterprise can go digital without prioritizing continuous innovation, testing, and implementation? The answer is a straightforward ‘no’. Organizations implement this cycle, and they need cloud technology to efficiently carry out processes without having to prepare complex resources and infrastructure. This enables businesses to build, test, and deploy apps on different platforms throughout the transformation initiative without much effort.

Notably, DX replaces conventional work practices and legacy infrastructure with modern processes that support agility. For example, users have the freedom to access their files at any time and place while IT can determine authority and authentication for each employee to drive efficient delegation. All these policies and procedures lead to higher productivity levels.

Enables Cost-Savings 

The cloud spares enterprises the hassle of paying for the necessary infrastructure, and the red tape associated with managing one. It scales up or down as needed, so companies only invest in the resources they utilize. Being able to effectively scale resources based on demand saves money on buying and managing IT infrastructure, which translates into huge savings that can be reinvested elsewhere. By offering requisite platforms, infrastructure, and IT resources, you also get to improve your responsiveness to customer needs and resolve the issue of over-provisioning or overloading IT systems. 

This scalable service model is also beneficial for companies that consistently reinvent their business models to keep up with changing market circumstances. Cloud computing facilitates the required infrastructure and computing capabilities which improve business agility and allow professionals to manage organizational change proactively. Additionally, cloud servers minimize the need for a dedicated IT support staff and frequent server environment refreshes.

Improves Team Collaboration 

Fancy the idea of accessing, retrieving, and processing information anywhere and anytime? Being able to do so paves the way to seamless collaboration between departments and enhanced productivity. Once again, cloud computing is the ticket because the information companies access resides remotely in the cloud or secure virtual space. Users can store files and apps on remote servers and access all the information through the Internet. So, there is no need for users to be at specific locations to gain access to data. 

Here’s how it works. Cloud technology does most of the work in crunching and processing data away from the device an employee uses. It also allocates all of that work to large computer clusters in cyberspace. The Internet serves as the cloud and users’ data, applications, and work become available from any device which they simply connect to the Internet anywhere in the world. 

Point of interest: the cloud platform even simplifies video communication by allowing IT personnel to organize and schedule meetings directly onto the system. This further promotes collaborative work practices.  

Enhances Security

Losing sensitive information as a result of unexpected system shutdown, technical failure, or data breaches if your data is stored in-house can prove costly in many ways. This poses an even bigger threat to companies managing Big Data Analytics, considering that the field involves large and complex data sets. Moving to cloud hosting reduces this risk as IT can generate multiple backups of your data in a thoroughly secure medium. 

Pro tip: when considering a deployment type, opt for the hybrid cloud which blends both private and public components. This model harnesses the security of a private cloud and the high-performance services of a public cloud to deliver regulatory compliance, ensure data supremacy, and optimize enterprise systems security. 

The ClearCube Way 

When we talk about DX, we refer to a complete reinvention of the traditional workplace into the ‘digital workspace’. To achieve this, enterprises must leverage DX to harmonize users, technology, and business processes to boost workflow efficiency and productivity. Primarily, a digital workspace is an end-to-end framework that delivers and manages data, applications, and desktops. A successful one offers both users and IT departments a unified and secure experience, and ClearCube makes it possible to achieve this. The question is: how?

Take the example of our Thin Client devices, Zero Clients, Blade PCs, and workstations that deliver security and high-performance in digital workspaces. They support the new Teradici All Access plans that include a complete range of remoting solutions for knowledge workers and power users in multiple vertical markets. Based on powerful PCoIP technology, the plans facilitate complete security for accessing applications and workloads hosted in private and public clouds

What You Receive

Data Security 

PCoIP transfers only image information in the form of pixels, so intellectual property always remains safe in your data center or cloud.

Greater Mobility and Collaboration 

PCoIP-ready devices (Zero Client, Chromebook, Android or iOS tablet, Windows or macOS laptop/desktop) can function as conduits to secure workstations.

Improved Performance 

Compatibility of All Access with our centralized and virtualized IT solutions delivers a predictable, consistent, and high-fidelity UX across remote teams, including employees working with graphics-intensive apps. 

Now, let’s look at the benefits of leveraging the Cloud Access plans.

Cloud Access Plan

You can migrate non-GPU apps and workloads to a private or public cloud and access them securely from any PCoIP-enabled device. It comes with Cloud Access Software that remotely visualizes Linux and Windows apps, and PCoIP Management Console Enterprise to monitor and manage PCoIP Zero Client endpoints. 

Cloud Access Plus Plan

You can migrate graphics-intensive apps and workloads to a private or public cloud. Using any PCoIP device enables secure remote access and lossless visualizing of the most graphics-intensive apps. The plan comes with both Cloud Access Software and PCoIP Management Console Enterprise. 

Specialized Accessories For VDI 

R4300 Chassis

Our R Series PC Blades offer the best desktop-to-datacenter performance available in high-density, secure computers. They take the machines off end users’ desks and place them in rack-mounted cabinets in a data center, eliminating the need for a complete hardware relocation. The easy-to-use ClearCube R Series provides all the benefits of VDI and comes with integrated GPU and PCoIP. 

For the complete experience, look up our R4300 Chassis that houses 8 Blades in 3U. This delivers a solution that minimizes energy consumption, saves rack space, and enables network administrators to protect their IT resources as a private cloud in their data centers. 

Key Takeaway

Having taken center stage, DX is changing all aspects of the world as we know it today, and it is more than just an IT subject. VDI accelerates DX in multiple ways by boosting security and integrating the private and public clouds. It also offers the ability to test, iterate, update, scale quickly, and builds the foundation for improved productivity via rich mobile experiences. Embracing both virtualization and cloud as the key pillars of DX balances business objectives, security, automation, and agile software-defined infrastructure to help you stay competitive and relevant. 

Final Remarks 

Interested in further details on implementing cloud for DX while ensuring availability, performance, security, and scalability of services? Please get in touch with support at We guarantee seamless migration and integration of your existing systems with the cloud and data governance to ensure that your information complies with agreed-upon policies and procedures. 

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